How to remove a brand from Supplier Sync

Why should we remove brands from Supplier Sync?

Removing brands from Supplier Sync might be desirable for the following reasons:

  • You can select the brands that best represent your store.
  • You can refine which supplier based on the items' wholesale cost or shipping costs from the warehouse to your shop.
  • You might want to use only one supplier for an item because they might fulfill the item direct to the consumer on your behalf.

Add a bookmarklet to Chrome

  1. Open a Chrome browser window.
  2. Right click on the Bookmark Bar and choose "Add Page..."

    Bookmarks Bar
  3. Name the Bookmarklet something you'll remember.
  4. Copy the following code and Paste it into the URL field:

  5. Click "Save".

bookmarklet Code

Find the Brand's supplier/distributor

  1. Open your website in the Chrome Browser.
  2. Search for the brand on the front of the site.
  3. Click one of the products from the search results.
  4. Click your Bookmarklet and a popup will show you the initials of all the suppliers for this brand.
  5. Write down the suppliers initials.
  6. Remove Brands from Supplier Sync

    1. Go to Supplier / Brand Manager > Supplier Sync.
    2. Find the Supplier you want to remove the brand from and click the word Brand from the Exclusion Settings row.
    3. A popup will open. Check the checkbox next to the brand you want to exclude.
    4. Click "all categories" If you want select individual categories to exclude for a brand for that supplier.
    5. Check the categories you want to exclude.
    6. Click the "back" button on right side of popup.
    7. Click "Save Changes".
    8. Scroll to bottom of page and click "Save Changes".
    9. Hit "Reset Cache" by going to Display Manager > Reset Cache and in around 30 minutes (but often much sooner) your catalog will reflect the changes in the front end of your website.