SEO Bookmarklets you'll use every day.

If you practice SEO, odds are you'll have spent plenty of time copying, and pasting wishing you could at least have some of that precious time back.

There are some repetitive tasks I do every day that these bookmarklets will make less of a timesuck:

  • Pasting Urls into Google Search Console's fetch tool.
  • Testing the current open window in Google's Structured Data Testing Tool
  • Checking the current page with Google's PageSpeed Insights tool
  • Checking the character length in various input boxes (metadescription and title inputs immediately jump to mind
  • Downloading the top 100 search results

Google Search Console Fetch Fixer Bookmarklet

The Annoying problem of pasting Urls into Google's fetch tool.

To use this tool you have to paste a url minus the initial

This bookmarklet rocks because you can now copy and paste full URL you want to fetch into the input like:

fetch as google input

click the bookmarklet and you have just made magic.


Yep, magic. The bookmarklet will clean up your URL into the Format the tool needs.

fetch as google input that has been fixed

Here's how to build this Bookmarklet:

  1. Create a new Bookmark

    Right click on the bookmarks bar and choose add Page, or add New Bookmark

  2. Give the new Bookmark any name you want, I call mine fetch.
  3. Paste this code into the address input:

    javascript: (function() {url = document.getElementById("path-input").value;url = url.replace(/^.*\/\/[^\/]+[/]/, '');document.getElementById("path-input").value = url;}());

  4. Click Save.
  5. Congrats you have just created your very own, totally killer SEO Bookmarklet.

The Buddha Bookmarklet

I love this next bookmarklet because it does three things at once!

It opens the current page in Google's PageSpeed tool, Google's Sturctured data Testing tool, and open's up Google's Cache of the current page with one click of the Bookmarklet.

Here's how to build the bookmarklet:

  1. Create a new Bookmark

    Right click on the bookmarks bar and choose add Page, or add New Bookmark

  2. Give the new Bookmark any name you want, I call mine fetch.
  3. Paste this code into the address input:

    javascript: (function(){url=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href);;}());(function(){url=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href);;}());(function(){url=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href);;}());

  4. Click Save.
  5. Congrats you have just created your very own, totally killer SEO Bookmarklet.

The Character Counter

I love this next bookmarklet because it allows you to count characters of a highlighted string of text!

To use it, select a block of text (page title inputs and metadescriptions input fields were my inspiration).

Click the book marklet and it will show you how many characters are in the selected string.

character counter Bookmarklet

Here's how to build the bookmarklet:

  1. Create a new Bookmark

    Right click on the bookmarks bar and choose add Page, or add New Bookmark

  2. Give the new Bookmark any name you want, I call mine fetch.
  3. Paste this code into the address input:

    javascript:(function(){var a=(document.selection?document.selection.createRange().text:document.getSelection()).toString();alert(a.length?"Characters: "+a.length+"\nWords: "+a.replace(/\s{2,}/g," ").split(" ").length:"No text selected.")})();

  4. Click Save.
  5. Congrats you've done it again!

Got a great bookmarklet to share?

Paste it along with a brief decription of what it does in the comments below, so we can all work a little smarter.

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